3rd February 2025
THE ICT CORNER: Here are some videos so you can practise the verbs in the past (listen, look and repeat). 

THE LIBRARY: To tell the story to the younger kids, here you are some videos (listen, look and repeat). 



The Lunar New Year marks the beginning of the Chinese calendar. It has a 12 year cycle and the 12 signs of the zodiac are represented by animals. This year is 2025 the year of the snake. 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

STEP 1: What animal are you? Describe the characteristics of

your animal in your notebook. You can start with… 

 I was born in … the year of the …

STEP 2: It’s time to practise the Chinese Calligraphy with a magic cloth parchment paper, clean paintbrushes 🖌️ and a small amount of water 💧.

Watch some videos to practice listening:

13th January 2025



29th November 2024

Mr. Bean's daily routine (video).

11th November 2024

Listen to the listening "A DAY IN THE UK" of ICT Corner proposal Round II.

➡️➡️   ICT corner LINK

14th October 2024

We studied the verb CAN and the personal pronouns.
And this is how a student wrote 
the information in her notebook.

7th October 2024

We draw our classroom map in the notebook and we see the importance of English around the world.

1st October 2024

COURSE 2024 - 2025

 We started a new school year in The Big Apple with your old notebooks. You decorate the COVER PAGE notebook. This is an Art proposal, so you use your imagination. Then, you write on the 2nd page about the FIRST TERM.
You start to use your WORDBANK.

Now to try to speak English, 

we need some Classroom Language to start with.

And we put them into speech bubbles.

24th April 2024

We studied the Simple Past Tense with teacher Lucía.

9th April 2024

4th March 2024

Mr Doodle in action.

28th February 2024

We studied the Simple Present Tense.

27th February 2024
We marked all the words we already know.
And we know a lot!

22nd January 2024
17th January 2024

We did some storytelling...

Wednesday, 10th January 2024

It rained a bit, so we talked about the weather...

08th January 2024

We started the new year...

December 2023

What changes when we talk about a friend...

We compared the personal pronouns in our three languages.
Personal pronouns are essential in English.

14th November 2023

Olivia told us about her family.

And we learned some more about The UK and Ireland.

24th October 2023

We studied the verb CAN and the personal pronouns.

And this is how a student wrote 
the information in her notebook.

Nas - I can

             Lyrics:    I know I can
                         Be what I wanna be
                         If I work hard at it
                         I'll be where I wanna be.

19th October 2023

14th October 2023

Let's talk about our family. 
First we revise some vocabulary and then we make our family tree.

Watch the video.

COURSE 2023 - 2024

We started a new school year in The Big Apple.

We handed out our new notebooks.

And of course there have to be some rules. 

Now to try to speak English,

we need some Classroom Language to start with.

And we put them into speech bubbles.

Course 2022 - 2023

We talked about the weather with Emerald.

We studied the Simple Present Tense 

and revised the verb CAN from last year.


Wednesday, 10th March 2021

Two more interviews to watch.

Wednesday, 10th February 2021

Here are some videos you can watch:

Monday, 14th December 2020

Monday, 30th November 2020

Tuesday, 24th November 2020

Tuesday, 10th November 2020

Tuesday, 3rd November 2020

Dear fifth graders,

This week we are going to play games! By playing games you can learn (=aprender) lots and lots of new words (=palabras). This is proposal V already. 
Every group has a different game:
5A - Montessori nouns
5B - Word searches & classification domino
5C - Montessori verbs
5D - Electron
You have to learn at least (=al menos) fifteen new words and write them in your notebook.


Monday, 26th October 2020

Don't forget to turn off the light before you watch the video!



Monday, 19th October 2020

Tuesday, 6th October 2020

Monday, 28th September 2020

(watch the video)

Monday, 8th June 2020

The song PERFECT on the piano. Thank you Carleto 5C!

Carleto presentation:

Carleto playing the piano.

Thursday, 28th May 2020

Dear fifth graders,

Elena 5C asked me to make a proposal with a song.

She chose (=elegió) the song PERFECT from ED SHEERAN.

Thank you, Elena and here we go!

Wednesday, 27th May 2020

This time a healthy word search. Thank you, Carleto 5C!

Monday, 18th May 2020

A word search from Mireia 5B. Thank you!

Saturday, 9th May 2020

Dear fifth graders,

I prepared a new proposal for you. I hope you like it. 

Click on the following link and you can listen to it.


Wednesday, 6th May 2020

Iker 5A at work...

and watching the video about 
the playgrounds all over the world.
Thank you very much!

Saturday, 25th April 2020

A word search from Sergi 5B, thank you!
Thursday, 23rd April 2020

Dear fifth graders,

Here is the proposal for this week. Did you study the QUESTION WORDS and watch the videos? Then (=entonces) you can do the proposal.

Monday, 20th April 2020

Good morning fifth graders,

The following link is, in my opinion, a very good and entertaining way of doing Maths. 
                                                             Solve me puzzles
It starts easy, but becomes more difficult once you progress.
Try it out and GOOD LUCK!

Many greetings, 


Wednesday, 15th April 2020

Good morning fifth graders,

Do you miss (=echar de menos) our school playground?
Yeah, me too!
Here you can watch a video about
different playgrounds all over the world.

Have a good day!

Tuesday, 14th April 2020

Good afternoon everybody,

The other day Pau and Valeria 5C sent me this scheme to fill in when you listen to the radio stations all over the world. Thank you!
This is the link again: RADIO GARDEN (http://radio.garden/).

Saturday, 11th April
Make your own Word search. Choose a topic.
 I give you permission to share it on our blog. 
Thank you, Álvaro 5B

Tuesday, 7th April 2020

Dear fifth graders,

Today we start to study the QUESTION WORDS. 
Question words are words we use to make questions, as simple as that! You already (=ya) know some:

What: WHAT is your name?
Where: WHERE do you live?
How: HOW old are you?
When: WHEN is your birthday?

First we study the information. You can read or watch videos:

Some of them are easy, others are more difficult.

Monday, 6th April 2020

Dear fifth graders,

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, how are you?

Today we are going to finish the classroom proposals from 'The Big Apple'.

The office: finished.

Science: Biology & Art :
Draw the life cycle of a bean plant. Plant a bean. Follow the instructions.
Some of you have already done (= algun@s ya habéis hecho) this proposal. If (= si) not, then draw it in your notebook or on a paper. 
Study new words: seed, give water, begin, grow, root, leaves.

Most of you (= la mayoría de vosotr@s) have already planted a seed. Maybe (= a lo mejor) they are there when we come back. If not, we will plant (= plantearemos) some new seeds next course!

Maths: we leave (= dejamos) this proposal for the moment, because (= porque) we cannot play the game.

The Library: you can always (= siempre) read a book. 

Art & Culture: we can't do this proposal on line.

That is it for today. Check if you did everything. Tomorrow we start with a new proposal.
Have a nice day!


Friday, 3rd April 2020

Dear fifth graders,

Here are some videos so you can practise the verbs in the past (listen, look and repeat). 

Have a nice weekend!


Wednesday, 1st April 2020

Dear fifth graders,

This is a word search by Iván M. 5A.
Thank you, Iván!

Tuesday, 31st March 2020

Dear fifth graders,

Today we start with the proposals from the English classroom 'The Big Apple'.

The office

1. Your daily routines in the Simple Past Tense.
Example: I often get up at seven o'clock, but yesterday I didn't get up at
seven, I got up at ten o'clock.
Now write ten more sentences using the 'daily routines' verbs.
Here you have some extra examples:
Daily routines: wake up – get up – get out of bed – go to the toilet – have breakfast – eat some toast – drink a glass of milk/a cup of tea – say 'good morning' to my mum/dad/brother/sister – brush my teeth – have a shower – comb my hair – dress myself – put on my shoes - make my bed - pack my schoolbag – watch TV – play games – walk the dog – feed my pet – go to school – meet my friends – play football – say 'hello' to the teachers – study – do proposals – play in the playground – practise sports – have lunch – do an after school activity – play in the park – help at home – chat on the computer – text my friends - go shopping – go to the supermarket – do my homework – listen to music – do nothing - have dinner – read – take off my clothes – put on my pyjama – say 'goodnight' – set my alarm clock – turn off the light – go to sleep – have sweet dreams. 

2. Possessive adjectives: copy & translate.
And two proposals for these rainy (= lluviosos) days:

1. Watch the video:

The evolution of dance.


2. Read and listen to this book.
It is very good to practise the verbs in the past.


Quique (5A) at work at home.

And the results: USA map and the poem.

Thank you, Quique!

Friday, 27th March

Dear families,
(below in Spanish = abajo en castellano)

Good Friday morning and I hope that everybody is still going strong!
As there might be some confusion about what your son or daughter can do for English, I will try to explain it again.
¡Buenos días viernes por la mañana y espero que todos seguís con buena salud!
Come puede haber algo de confusión sobre lo que puede hacer su hijo o hija en inglés, intentaré explicarlo de nuevo. (hay otra explicación más abajo).
1. There are three tutor class proposals (poem, word search and simple past tense). When we are at school, they rotate during three weeks from class to class. That is why not everybody has done the same proposals yet.
Hay 3 propuestas para la tutoría (poema, sopa de letras y el pasado simple). Cuando estamos en el cole, rotan durante 3 semanas de tutoría en tutoría. Por eso no todos han hecho las mismas propuestas todavía.
2. Then we have the English classroom proposals, the ones they can do in 'The Big Apple'. Below you can find a copy. I explained them on 18th February 2020. Once explained, they can start with any proposal they want to. For that same reason, not everybody has done the same proposals yet.
Luego tenemos las propuestas para el ambiente de inglés, las que se pueden hacer en 'La Gran Manzana'. Más abajo pueden encontrar una copia. Las expliqué el 18 de febrero 2020. Una vez explicadas, ellos pueden empezar con la propuesta que quieren. Por esta misma razón, no todos han hecho las mismas propuestas todavía.
3. There are some special proposals for these weeks we are not at school (radio, fish tank). 
Hay algunas propuestas especiales para estas semana que no estamos en el cole (radio, pecera).
4. At school we have lots of more proposals, games and activities difficult to do online.
En el cole tenemos muchas propuestas, juegos y actividades más difíciles para poner en la red.
5. There is absolutely no problem in doing other proposals you can find from other years, other courses or you find yourselves online. The goal is to learn English anyway!
No hay problema alguna en hacer propuestas que pueden encontrar de otros años, otros cursos o que encuentran Ustedes mismos en internet. ¡El objetivo es aprender  inglés de todas formas!
6. Not all proposals are digitized and that takes me some time. Besides, I have to confess that I am a 'slow' person, especially these days of mindfulness ;))
No todas las propuestas están digitalizadas y tardo un poco en eso. Además, tengo que confesar que soy una persona 'lenta', especialmente estos días de plena conciencia ;))
7. One very important item to learn a language is to understand the instructions in that language, the words in a context. I tell the students and they know. So maybe the biggest proposal of all is to read carefully everything I write. That is why I don't translate when I write to them.
Un ítem muy importante para aprender un idioma es entender las instrucciones en esa lengua, las palabras en un contexto. Se lo digo a los estudiantes y lo saben. Así que tal vez la propuesta más grande de todas es leer cuidadosamente todo lo que escribo. Por eso no traduzco cuando les escribo. 
8. And last but not least, ask me please if you have any problem or doubt, but ask your daughter or son first, because they can explain you a lot!
Y por último pero no menos importante, por favor preguntenme si tienen algún problema o duda, pero pregunten primero a su hija o hijo, porque ¡ellos saben explicarles mucho!
9. Thank you for reading this and have a nice weekend!
Gracias por leerlo y ¡que tengan un buen fin de semana!

PS: I forgot! Until now I only explained the three classroom proposals (poem, word search and Simple Past Tense). Next week we start with the other proposals.
PD: ¡Se me ha olvidado! Hasta ahora solo he explicado las propuestas de las tutorías (poema, sopa de letras y el pasado simple). La semana que viene empezamos con las otras propuestas. 


Good evening fifth graders,

Today is Thursday 26th March and I hope you are doing fine.
Did you watch the short video and understand what I said? We finished the Poem proposal and now I give you two new ones: 

1. Make your own word search.
Choose a topic (= tema).
Give me permission to share (=compartir) it on our blog.

Word search to study the names of the buildings:

Following (=siguiendo) the link (=enlace) you can do a lot of (=muchos) word search puzzles. Go to the category KIDS.  Word search KIDS

You can also (=también) make your own word search.

2. What did you do yesterday?

This proposal gives some more practise about the
Simple Past Tense. Here is some help (= ayuda):

walk means (= significa) caminar
stay means quedarse 
draw means dibujar
ride means montar

clean means limpiar

buy means comprar
put on means ponerse

Simple Present Tense
Simple Past Tense
to get up got up
to have had
to do did
to study studied
to see saw
to be was

always study and learn new words!

You can copy this information in your notebook and study it. Then (=luego) do the worksheet.
I also give you the scheme (=esquema) to write down the new verbs you learn.

Good luck!

Audio poem 'I saw my teacher on a Saturday'.

Dear families,

First of all I hope that you are all fine and in good health.

Here I am going to give you an answer to the question:

What can my child do for English these days?

There are three kinds of proposals:

1. proposals to do in their tutor class 
    (1 proposal every week)
2. proposals to do in 'The Big Apple', the English class
    (6 for this term)
3. extra proposals for these days at home.

The first two are compulsory, the third one is optional.

ad.1. the poem, a wordsearch, simple past practice
ad. 3. Listen to the radio (for today).

Now, as not everybody has done the same proposals and I don't want to overwhelm you or them, I will explain them one by one.

If you have any questions, please contact me through this blog or my email.

Keep going strong,



Estimadas familias::

En primer lugar espero que todos estén bien y en buena salud..
Aquí les voy a dar una respuesta a la pregunta:
¿Qué puede hacer mi hija/o en inglés en estos días?
Hay 3 tipos de propuestas:
1. propuestas para hacer en su tutoría (1 a la semana)
2. propuestas para hacer en 'La Gran Manzana', la clase de inglés
    (6 para este trimestre)
3. propuestas extras para estos días en casa.
Las dos primeras son obligatorias, la tercera es opcional.

ad 1. el poema, una sopa de letras, practicar el pasado simple
ad 2 ver arriba, su hija/o sabe explicarlo.
ad 3. escuchar la radio (para hoy).

Ahora, como no todos han hecho las mismas propuestas y no quiero agobiarles a ellos ni a Ustedes,las  explicaré una por una.
Si tienen alguna pregunta, por favor pónganse en contacto conmigo a través de este blog o mi correo electrónico.

Mantened buena salud,


Good morning/afternoon/evening everybody,

Today I propose to listen to the radio. A friend of mine sent me the following link to RADIO GARDEN (http://radio.garden/).
Click on the link and it will lead you (=te llevará) to the page.
I think it is fantastic! You can listen to all kinds of music all over the world and besides (=además) you can learn some

Audio: https://us.ivoox.com/es/49127012
(This is a test...)

Dear fifth graders,

How are you? I hope you are fine. 
We cannot go to school, so (así que) we play school at home! You can find a lot of information on the right side of the main page (5th graders, songs, videos...). And I will give you some proposals. When you finish a proposal, you can send it to me (enviármelo)
If (si) you have an idea, I can share it (compartirlo) on this blog, so your classmates (compañero@s de clase) can see it.
I hope to hear from you soon (pronto)!


First you have the tutor class proposals: 1 for every week. You finished already one. Which one (cuál)? Now do the other ones.

1. Dear 5th graders,

Just read the instructions on the papers and translate the poem. You can listen to it and even (= incluso) learn it (= aprenderlo) by heart (= de memoria).
We are also going to read it in 'The Big Apple'.

Good luck (= suerte)!

Proposal 1: THE OFFICE

Proposal 2: THE ICT CORNER


Proposal 3: MATHS

Proposal 4: THE LIBRARY

PROPOSAL 1: THE OFFICE              



Estimadas familias de quinto:

A continuación les especifico los contenidos de la Primera Lengua Extranjera Inglés para el quinto curso de Educación Primaria según el Real Decreto 126/2014 (Currículo básico de la Educación Primaria en el Boletín Oficial del Estado) y el Decreto 108/2014 (Currículo de la Educación Primaria en el Diari Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana).
El aprendizaje de una lengua se divide en cuatro bloques:
  1. Comprensión de textos orales – listening
  2. Producción de textos orales – speaking
  3. Comprensión de textos escritos – reading
  4. Producción de textos escritos – writing

Contenidos funcionales:
Saludos, presentaciones, disculpas, agradecimientos, invitaciones e instrucciones.
La capacidad, el gusto, la preferencia, el acuerdo o desacuerdo, el sentimiento, la intención y los deseos.
Descripción de personas, datos personales, actividades, lugares, objetos, hábitos y planes.
Narraciones de hechos pasados, reales o ficticios, poemas y adivinanzas.
Petición y ofrecimiento de ayuda, información, instrucciones, objetos, opinión y permiso.
Fechas, horas, datos temporales y espaciales.
Comprensión para comunicarse y aprender en otras áreas del currículo.
Discriminación de los sonidos, acento y entonación.
Interacción con comprensión dirigida, ensayada, guiada y espontánea.
Patrones discursivos básicos. Prefijos y sufijos. Las letras del alfabeto. Puntuación.
Uso de diccionarios en diversos formatos. Uso de los recursos virtuales.

Contenidos socioculturales:
Costumbres, valores, creencias, y actitudes basados en el respeto y la tolerancia.
Celebraciones, entretenimiento, deportes, música, patrimonio artístico, historia y festividades.
Conocimiento de características distintivas de otros países en relación a su vida diaria.
Contactos sociales básicos utilizando las formas de cortesía. Utilización apropiada del lenguaje no verbal.

Contenidos léxicos:
El contenido léxico es muy amplio y depende de la realidad de cada contexto del ambiente y del interés del alumnado. Está dividido en 23 categorías: identificación personal; vivienda, hogar y entorno; actividades de la vida diaria; familia y amigos; trabajo y ocupaciones; tiempo libre, ocio y deportes; viajes y vacaciones; el cuerpo, salud y cuidados físicos; características físicas; emociones; educación y estudio; la escuela y el aula; compras y actividades comerciales; alimentación y restauración; transporte; lengua y comunicación; fenómenos atmosféricos; animales; ropa; TIC; festividades y tradiciones; el tiempo y calendario; números de 4 cifras.
Publicaré el vocabulario relacionado en el blogspot de inglés. Además, a lo largo del curso, subiré las propuestas a esa misma página con sus contenidos y vocabulario.

Contenidos transversales:
Esfuerzo, fuerza de voluntad. Constancia y hábitos de trabajo. Capacidad de concentración. Superación de obstáculos y fracasos. Aprendizaje autónomo. Estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo y por proyectos. Adaptación a los cambios. Obtención y uso eficaz de la información. Búsqueda de orientación o ayuda de forma precisa. Desarrollo de proyectos en equipo. Colaboración y compartición de planes, información y recursos. Aceptación y comprensión de los puntos de vista de los demás.

Además de esta resumida información, su propio hijo o hija es una buena fuente para saber los contenidos que está/estamos trabajando. Preguntadle.

Un saludo cordial,
Maurice Tellekamp

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